Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I enjoyed a lovely night last week with my senior Latin classes and others from all around Sydney at the annual Senior Classics Dinner (organised by the CLTA). The costumes were especially fabulous this year, and I am full of admiration for those of my students who embraced the spirit of the evening by dressing up (even if it was as grapes and Jedi).

The after-dinner trivia was slightly easier than in previous years, but there were still a few questions which left me scratching my head. See if you can work out the answers to these beauties.

Which Sydney suburbs are referred to below?

Which sporting teams are referred to below?

What was the nationality of the following people?
  • Ulysses
  • Hannibal
  • Romulus and Remus
  • Cleopatra
  • Vercingetorix
  • Boudicca


Sophia said...

um why no mention of the awesome grapes? D:

Mike Salter said...

The costumes were fantastic this year. Even one of my guys turned up in costume, which has never been known in the annals of Christendom.

Fun night had by all, and great to catch up with you again JM!