- Reading a few good books while on holidays at Jervis Bay
- Seeing Sachin Tendulkar score a century on the third day of the Sydney Test
- Having a drink and a chat with James Morwood (co-author of the Oxford Latin Course) at the Latin Summer School
- Going to the Spicks and Speck-tackular at the Enmore theatre
- Hiking through Tasmania with my family
The photo above is from my hiking trip through Cradle Mountain National Park in Tasmania- 15 points will go to anyone who can explain what the photo has to do with the Classics.
Normal transmission will resume shortly.
To answer your question,
Pelion Hut - Mount Pelion (where the golden apple from Eris thingo tookplace....) - Pelion - Peleus - Achilles (aftermath of first set of brackets... Troy = *die* *die* *die* *die*).
Also the giant wookie, leaning on that sign, with what resembles a large growth on its face, seems to think if himself as an example of the classics. hahahaha
Hope you had a good holiday, see you soon.
Yes! Mt Pelion is a mountain in Greece, where lots of important mythological stuff happened. Walking around Tassie we saw lots of natural features which took their names from Classical Mythology, including Mt Ossa, Mt Olympus, Mt Geryon, the Narcissus River, lake Oenone. Anonymous you win 15 points, but lose 20 for your insulting remarks about my personal appearance. :-)
spicks and specks!1!!! I <3 that show!
ooh meditatons. 1 of my snr frends was readin that, n she sed dat it wuz gud.
sounds lyk u had interestin holz, mr m.
ps wats a wookie?
Who is that androgynous figure in the picture? Does he/she have anything to do with the ancient civilisation the world looks so fondly upon? hmmm.... or is that place somewhere in the ancient world? OR was that photo in fact taken in ancient times and restored by a talented archiologist with a lot of time on their hands?
It looks hot but fun! :D
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