Here are five interesting (though not particularly useful) Latin words starting with 'M':
malogranata: a pomegranate tree
manipulus: pieces of metal held in the hand during gymnastic exercises, to increase the momentum of a leap or stroke
mansuetarius: a tamer of wild beasts
manticularia: handy little things, things in constant use
masculesco: to become male
Definitions from A Latin Dictionary, Lewis and Short
you're right, they're not particularly useful :) maybe if i was a tamer of wild beasts, and liked to practise gymnastic exercises with pieces of metal (handy little things that they are) under a pomegranate tree, all whilst becoming male.... we'll see...
is a pomegranate a type of fruit ?
a pomegranate
sure is a type of fruit. for the romans they were a symbol of luxury and fertility.
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