Friday, February 19, 2010

Mezentius - velut rupes

concurrunt Tyrrhenae acies atque omnibus uni,
uni odiisque viro telisque frequentibus instant.
ille (velut rupes vastum quae prodit in aequor,
obvia ventorum furiis expostaque ponto,
vim cunctam atque minas perfert caelique marisque
ipsa immota manens)

The Etruscan troops come running up and they press upon this one man alone with all their hatred and with their massed weapons. But Mezentius is like a rock which juts out into the vast sea, open to the fury of the winds and exposed to the ocean, which endures all the violence and the threats of both sky and sea, remaining motionless itself.
(Aeneid X.691ff.)

But for all his fury Hector could not break through their ranks. They closed wall-like against him and stood their ground, like a huge sheer cliff at the edge of the grey sea, which stands against the shrill winds on their rapid pathways and the waves that swell large and burst on it.
(Iliad XV.618ff.)

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